Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rama First Nation inks 20-year deal to run Orillia casino | CTV News

Rama First Nation inks 20-year deal to run Orillia casino | CTV News


  1. Why did Rama ever think they would get 35% and if did they ever lose the 35% ? You would think that a deal of that immensity would have been worked out in advance? What gave the 133 other First Nations the power to take it away?

    Who is accountable for this?

  2. Oh it's an Orillia Casino now is it? Kind of like when you use the new postal code given out on reserve, we're no longer acknowledged as "Rama" were not considered "Orillia". SMH, no identity, no nationhood. And were supposed bring our children up this way. *SIGH*.
