Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jurors and the 7 Grandfathers teachings - The Orillia Packet & Times - Ontario, CA

Jurors and the 7 Grandfathers teachings - The Orillia Packet & Times - Ontario, CA


  1. Why can't Ernie Sandy just keep his dam mouth shut.

  2. Hey yea ernie gotta shut up. He not even from here and he always shooting down rama people. Fuck him

  3. Like hes the only one not from Rama where have you been look around, the Rez its the people not from Rama that have the control over your life. How many other people are living here that are not from here ?

  4. thats not the issue, Earnie has a big fuckin mouth and gotta shut it.

  5. Ernie is an educated man and a talented writer. He may not be from Rama, but he is descendant of Chippewas of Lakes Simcoe and Huron (Rama, Christian Island, Georgina Island). And at least he's not afraid to express viewpoints that some may find offensive. I think its unfortunate that some people do not know how to accept/value/honour opinions and thoughts of others; maybe one should ask oneself why they are offended by another person's truth? And while Rama does take in other people, l wish we had a rule or a guideline about the type of people we do take in as community members (since we seem to get the bad ones). As for employees conducting First Nation business, yeah we are over-run with non natives, and that is unfortunate.
