Wednesday, February 29, 2012


 Finance Meeting at the Chippewas  of  Rama  Hall  March 8 ,2012  Thurs. supper 5:15 Meeting 6:00


  1. Thanks for posting. Im glad we are finally having a meeting - year end was only 11 months ago! Hope to see lots of people there!

  2. Yea really, there better be people attending.

    Im sure they gonna announce more financial burdens, more cuts and job losses to first nation members. All Non band member jobs are safe and secure.

    Rama's legal department needs to be cut....we certainly don't need that many lawyers on Rama's payroll. Rama's financial department needs to be cut. There are people who we've never even heard of before, but yet they have a Financial Contollers position......what the hell is that, isn't that why there are supervisors and Managers with that Responsibility? People doing nothing and costing Rama money has to stop.

  3. Did anyone read the article in the newspaper on Thursday? The one about economic opportuntities in the area?

    Dan Shilling says development on Rama Road is key to future economic development for Rama. He goes on to say we want to work with out neighbors to control development, and be selective. What a way to butter up the surrounding public! There has been no economic devlopment in Rama for Rama since the casino. Seeing as the health centre of excellence is "downsized" or "dead", it doesnt look like the C&C's have leadership in this area!

    Dan goes on to say the opportunity for young people in our community is immense. How many times have we heard that? Where is their opportunity when you seem to prefer hiring non natives over your own members?

    I did learn that we (Rama) are in process of developing a planning act (more red tape). That'll buy time for sure.

    And other economic news is the Coldwater Narrows Land Claim. Huh? I dont see the claim as economic news, but that's me. He says when its settled, it will provide funds for Rama to expand its land base, which is critical to economic health. It looks like the C&C is counting on the settlement to provide funds for more lands and economic development. As if we dont have enough land now, and as it we didnt have enough money for economic devlopment! Well, before they spent it on high wages, travel, clothing, 1st class air travel, unnecessary staff positions, and other "top heavy" items.

    Now they want the Coldwater settlement money.

    Oh yeah, l read on the Coldwater Narrows facebook page yesterday that the vote will be April 14th. Apparently packages for members should arrive soon...

    See you at the finance meeting March 8th.

  4. Dan Shilling is one who needs to go along with the rest of the useless bunch they cant plan anything as thee is no money Oh isnt that part of his job to manage our money.More red tape is right now they will take as much of the cold water money wait and see.
