Sunday, January 29, 2012


I remember being at a meeting after the casino got here and they said all the land had been bought up a long the Rama Road..   That there would be businesses.  They must be invisible. At yesterdays meeting Sharon Henry said that there would not be a new  Heath  center  of  Excellence. Yet another failed venture money for the consultants tho.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


To days meeting was well very disappointing., With only 13 members the , The Chief said it was because everyone is  satisfied with every thing. All that was said about the Cold water treaty wa s they the chiefs would be meeting in a few weeks. And there had to be i few things ironed out . We will be paying Orillia to take our compost why i don't no. The Parking Lot was talked  about    and  we will be talking about it more on Mondays open council meeting. , Hope to see you all there

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sacred Plants

 When you are walking in the bush you think of many things.  The smells bring back different memories. Of Rama as a child and the grandparents now gone. When  iam at Chief island a total clam comes over me i go there to be near the plants. I walk around Rama now and i wonder who will teach the next generation of how we used our sacred plants for medicine.  I have had the opportunity to have tea with some of our Elders and the have shared with me how we used the plants long ago.  More and More  there habitat is being destroyed and this must stop because  as an Elder once told me if we do not use them they will leave and they are leaving.  I no people are upset with the parking lot that will be in the center of  our community, that means more pavment and less trees, and likely more lights . The people who make these decis

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Coldwater Narrows Claim

When the claim first started it was all about compensation for Chief  Yellowheads people for the lose of land and lively hood, Now is all about  buying land and economic development. Rama has enough land that can be change over to Band land with the purchases the band has made over the last 12 years ,and without us knowing. Now they want ten million back  for that land out of our treaty money i don't think so. Our children all ready have a trust so i feel it should go to the people here and now.At 100% pay out what are we looking at 30 or 40 .000 that's not much today. Iam sure most of us would pay our bills, maybe start a business,  get the things we need.. I no most of us want a 100% pay out BUT i feel Chief and Council will work with the government and it will not happen.As they have become the Modern Day Indian Agents