Friday, November 25, 2011


 As welfare is going up in Rama,  i  one would like to see job shadowing for are members. OK not that does not mean that i am racist, I just feel that our members who don't have jobs and want to work, could be trained to full fill some of the position that some of the non natives hold , Don't you think it has to happen some time? I don't mean the people that are members, We have members that cold be doing some of these jobs  or could be trained . Every time there is an election this is promise but it never happens.  It has to happens don't  ya think? This isn't being racist this is wanting jobs for my people. And for the next generation, that is going to school , Our members on and of have so much to offer , lawyers , accountant, engineer, The need to no that they will have a job here one day.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Letter from Hon. Duncan, Minister of Indian Affairs

October 12, 2011

I am writing on behalf of the Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, in response to your correspondence of August 5, 2011, regarding the Coldwater-Narrows specific claim.

On March 24, 2011, Canada made an offer to the Chippewas of Beausoleil, the Chippewas of Rama, the Chippewas of Georgina Island and the Nawash First Nations to settle the Coldwater-Narrows specific claim.  In April 2011, all the First Nations agreed by band council resolutions to recommend Canada's offer to their respective membership, and to engage in the process of a ratification vote, which requires time to prepare.  The date of the ratification vote has not yet been set.

With regard to the compensation, Canada is not involved in the development of the First Nations' trust agreements nor is it reviewing or approving them.  For further information on this matter, I suggest that you contact your Chief and Council.

I trust that my response addresses your concerns.


David McArthur
Chief of Staff