Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cheryle Snache for Chief - Election 2012

Aaniin. My name is Cheryle Snache and I am running for the responsibility of the position of Chief of Rama of First Nation. I have a number of key areas of concern for our community which I will address, but first a little bit about myself. I have lived in Rama most of my life and I'm the mother of two grown children, Sam and Kory who grew up here and call Rama home.
I am passionate about our culture and preserving all aspects of our language and traditional knowledge. I am an active volunteer and advocate in our community and I started up the Rama Food Bank in 2009 when I saw that there were food security issues right here in our community. I have extensive experience from marketing and tourism to self-employment and business start-ups. Everyone agrees right now that the top priorities in our community are jobs and Economic Development. Creating meaningful jobs for our people must start with job training and job shadowing. Our people need to hold the majority of the positions in our community, including leadership and management roles, and supporting those that have gone on to post-secondary education. Working for Rama should be a career building move that also addresses our social issues. Economic Development should address long term sustainability and must be community driven. We have so much potential here in Rama that we need to maximize. Our greatest assets and resources are our people. We need to develop a brand new marketing strategy with community input that will put Rama in line with First Nation communities like Membertou and Osoyoos. I have a plan to develop our land, our community and our people, that will enhance the quality of life for everyone and still respect and protect the environment and our waters.
Housing and Home Ownership is another area of great concern to me. Healthy, sustainable home ownership should be accessible to all and we need to look at ways to accomplish this. I feel the price of land should be more affordable for our people that want to build a family home here in the community.
Our Language is our Culture. A Cultural Centre for our Youth is another top priority and having a plan is vital to this. Today's youth need a sense of cultural identity they can be proud of and we need to support this. An Elders and Youth Council must be established to help voice the will of the people. Supporting Arts, amateur sports and Education is critical to our young people’s identity.
As a Chief the Social Well Being of the community should be front and centre when considering any and all decisions. We need to look after our people, especially our Seniors and their needs, and those that are the most vulnerable to social issues. I can assure the people that no decisions shall be made until the well-being of this community is factored in.
I believe we are all shareholders and therefore are entitled to any and all information affecting the future and well- being of this community. This would mean financial information on time and written for you, and all council meeting minutes will be posted. My bottom line is no decisions will be made that affect you and this community without your input first. I want to do away with policies that are paralysing and implement new policies that will empower. I can assure you that voicing your concerns over policies that affect you and your family will not affect your security or employment and that the new Chief and Council will hold open door meetings monthly at the Community Hall where you can have your say and have your concerns addressed. You will have a voice in this community if I am chosen to lead.
It is no secret that we are facing rough waters ahead as a community. Things will look worse before they get better, but I believe that we're all in this together, and we will have to work together as a community and a nation to heal our people and create Unity amongst ourselves once again. Together we can achieve this. I welcome your comments, questions and concerns and you can reach me at any time, day or night at 705-325-5538 and by emailing cherylesnache@gmail.com My door is always open and I am welcoming community members ‘Open House’ style in my home every Monday evening from 5:00-9:00pm for tea and coffee and discussion. With our hearts and our votes we have the power to change our community for the future. Cheryle Snache, Crane Clan of Rama First Nation


  1. Hi Cheryle, Congrats again on the nomination for Chief. I think a lot of people want change in Rama, to return to the way it used to be, at least where community development matters, where people are included. I sincerely hope this election brings change to the Council table. Good luck Cheryle :)

    1. Yes my family does to...One thing that needs put out there too others is, when those 2 counclors thats running again that took the members money and didn't do any thing for it 2 years ago needs to not be elected, just my thought....Like others there needs a change but until all members get fed up with lies and more lies and when they have no jobs maybe they will make their vote count just saying..... good luck Cheryle good job don't back down from anyone....

  2. Thanks Tracey I will never give up things have to change for the future of are children, I know people think it can.t but it can.

  3. people would have to be nuts to vote the present Chief and Council back in look at the way this place is being run,The chief should step down Rama people who live here dont want her around but the members who live off is the ones that keep putting her back in and she no's it.if you are going to be a chief you should live here.....

  4. why doesnt the chief live on the reserve? Has anyone ever asked her that?

  5. I dont know the answer to your question, but l do know that during one of her election campaigns, she did promise to move to the reserve...l guess she couldnt leave Bay Street...

  6. The only one that lives on the reserve is Cheryle Snache.

  7. Hope that you make it in there Cheryle,the People of Rama need a chief that cares for the members,and we all know that you are a caring person.Right now,I do not see any jobs created nor any places built to help create jobs,none whatever.It is sad that more than half of the members have to depend on O.W. and food banks to survive,when there is/has been funds there to build places that can give jobs and give meaning to peoples lives.There is poverty in Rama when there should not be.Now is the time to stop letting a Chief and council that 'NOW' takes everything and does not give back anything.They are sitting on a gold mine so to speak,taking and taking........

  8. I seriously think that the Drug problem needs to be addressed. It is a serious issue in Rama and as long as there are those with addiction problems their money will go to their addiction problem first. Then they are at the food bank. No one seems to want to mention this problem? I am worried for the children in Rama its just going to go on And on. Why can this situation not be controlled? I am worried and very concerned for the children that are growing up. End it now!! Get rid of these suppliers and their corruption.

    1. I can't believe that no one has commented on the previous message?? But then again why am I not surprised..Just sayin??

  9. Yes its a big problem, so is drinking children do what they see. I have seen other bands kick drug deals off only to have it overturned in court . Thats why we need a membership code.I once was an addicted and i think that we need better support programs when people do come back from treatment. Its also up to the parents to teach there children that we dont,t drink and do drugs that its not are way and not good for them. we can,t hide from this problem we do need to talk about it more as a community, cheryle snache

  10. I would like to see drug testing for anyone that works with are children.

  11. Thanks for your input Cheryle. Yes it needs to be discussed and there needs to be more awareness as to whats actually going on. Support programs for sure! Parents teachings, yes. But if the suppliers are still there the problem will still be available for anyone who seeks it. Membership code sounds good...
    not exactly sure how that would work though?

  12. Some Bands that i no of and have membership codes have the right to tell people to leave there land .

    1. They should be put off the land as they are dealing and making money illegally also jeopordizing the health of the community members. These people serve no purpose other than destrucion to people who get caught up in addiction.
