Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Four vying for title of chief of Rama First Nation | Local | News | Orillia Packet and Times

Four vying for title of chief of Rama First Nation | Local | News | Orillia Packet and Times


  1. There are many different issues in the community that i have heard . Our people want to be part of the Union again. And we should be . There is a mistake in the article and it should say build a ware house for the country market. So we can buy in bulk. Cheryle Snache

  2. Great article i see some people don" like what you had to say meaning what i saw on face book to night coild be cause it,s the truth .One thing i no that if you are going to teach our children the dance, or drums or you say your are traditional you do not drink or do drugs. Guess all the kids in Rama no there history and can talk Ojibway.. You have to remember Cheryle that there is some people who dont" want things to change and there the ass kissers and make alot of money. The truth hurts The Children no not where they come from or where there going. I hope they have one day that Culture Centre you talk about and people who Walk the Red Road to teach and Run it.

  3. From the Packet website:

    I seem to recall a time when the current chief went by Sharon Henry, then it all of a sudden became beneficial to hyphenate her name to Stinson-Henry. As an "outsider", I'm not lost on the connotations behind this. Seeing many posts from my FN friends on the state of their community makes me think her days are numbered. That being said, good luck Cheryle and I hope you can do your community proud. You seem to have some great ideas.

    A Liked Reply

  4. Controversy ensues whenever you try for change. You can't please everybody and there will always be some who take offence and take things personally when they shouldn't. The classification and the division is apparent by those who take offence and those who wish things to remain the same. The article is an honest reflection of what life in this community is really like. Those who don't agree are entitled to their opinion but should be honest with themselves. IMHO.

  5. So now lets see how many Band Members put their VOTE where their mouth , has been...just saying wont change then all members need to pull together, like Mr. Yellowhead said , time to hold feet to the fire ...If those you speak to thats running can't look you in the eye, when they say there be change, then give a honest member your vote...everone look at the whole member thats running for office, not just parts....If they have rap sheets, dishonst, backstabers, nose trouble, liars, took our money without working for it don't give them a second thought....Reason if they did it once look out going to happen again.....Only one thing to say a Chief is only as good as the Councilors are they only have little say when you got crooks for councilors....

  6. It don't matter. The same criminals will get voted in. The ones responsible for Rama's Financial Crisis will get voted back in. You all say you's want change but yet, you's will all vote the same dam people in. Just like last time.

    You's have only yourselves to blame.

  7. "put your vote where your mouth is" lol the membership did exactly that a few short terms ago did they not Mr Yellowhead? Seem to remember No Distribution rants back then, all the while C.C.'s wages went through the roof! " if they want money they should go to work" lol, Mr Yellowhead you forgot to do the same and the Membership voted and let you go! Some won't forget that you were part of the administration that handed over the keys to OUR COMMUNITY and let people with NO stake in it decide our future while you were a no show at the table collecting your cheques! So sit back, from the outside, and think about what you could have changed while you were on the inside and please don't ask for should be asking for forgiveness! Cheers!

    1. Yes this is the reason, that the community members,should look at the people in office now and the ones that wont to be elected, if that person has a criminal record, taken money from the members thur devious works they should not be elected or even granted the oppreunity to ever run for office now or any other election, so when members you need vote from the heart......when those get eleced make sure there is a meeting by all band members on and off reserve , with a contract drawn up just what you wont the elected too do for all members, one like let people go that are not band members, or band members family , so more jobs can be opened up the the community...if people wont to work let them work, like said man don't wont to work if there is jobs then don't get everyone pull together for the betterment of the commmunity....good luck to all, especialty the honest ones....
