Sunday, April 1, 2012


 It feels bad out there right now, with the jobs that have been eliminated  based on the needs of our First Nation at least that is according to the Chief on how the people were picked. I think that if job shadowing had started years ago this would not have had to happen and I feel for the members, but I new it would happen and have been saying it for years. Even called a racist  for wanting are people to be trained to take over the jobs the non- natives hold.  Plain and simply the money has run out. Our needs well they haven't listen to our needs for years.


  1. Still no comments from anyone?! Well l'll are absolutely right, the money had run out! I will go further to say that if Coldwater doesnt come down the pipe (not to be pessimistic, just "real") April 14th, we'll see more down-sizing of programs and services. Under Chief Stinson-Henry, and our silent Council, over the last 10-12 years, we've gone thro lots of cash (rags to riches to rags), with not much to show for it. Pretty sad eh?!

  2. I will say this much, I believe that someone who spent 34 years working on our behalf, who has never been anything but a great person, deserves to be let go with some class, I may have missed something but I am not aware of it. I am saddened by the classless way in which this persons contribution to the community came to an end,...... tell me I am wrong?

  3. Are members could have been given some kind of notice, you would think no matter how long they have been there. No matter who they are. As they all contribute to the community in some way as do we all.

  4. With the Rama Trust fund up for its 3 year review, there is talk that Rama not gonna distribute it. The Looking Ahead Fund is the People Trust money. Someone from the COmmunity must get on this and request it. This gotta get started so the people get their trust.

  5. Well get on that who are you talking too do it your self.

  6. the trust fund is called "looking far ahead" for a reason ! Do the math, there won't be any left for the minors if the amount is the same as 3 years ago. Geeze people.

  7. Let's see if chief and council will borrow more money and pay interest so that people can get another huge payout. They did thus before. Election is coming up, they need votes.

  8. No it should be 10,000 not the same as before they have used the trust for other things do you think they worry about the kids.

  9. Doesn't seem as though you have any children, otherwise you wouldn't be so quick to say it should be $10,000 - or do you just not care, as long as you are being taken care of?

    Also, on a side note, everyone is cutting up the Chief for choices she and council have made in the past. I'm not saying I agree with their choices, but I am saying, we the people are the ones who elect the very people we are complaining about. Sharon must be doing something right to keep getting elected??? Besides, when she first ran for Chief, wasn't her platform about making sure the people recieved some of the trust money. We are now getting trust money, but for some people its still not enough. People were sure quick to vote her in when they thought they could possibly get something for themselves - money. Its called Looking Far Ahead Trust for a reason.

  10. Well some of us NEED the money now, for us and our kids. Congratulations to the ones who don't need it!

  11. Look i did nt vote them in maybe you did, and she had to say she would give money out of the trust to get in and the people who dont live here are the ones who keep her in. As for getting money period do you think that giveing up are land in life we should nt get some thing from the casino just like your chief and council maybe you have a job or are one of the ones making over $ 100.000.

  12. Jeez, I wish we knew who all the Anonymous are. I see all these messages and can't tell who is who. Don't be afraid, be proud of who you are.

    My name is James Simcoe and I am from Rama.

  13. People don,t put there name cause they no C$C read this blog . But with over 12,000 hit so do a lot of others. What a way to live tho. But we all no you cannot say anything if you work for the band. Everyone signs that paper when you work for them . Cheryle Snache

  14. That excuse don't cut it anymore. We saw recently, if they gonna get rid of you, they will do it.

    For all we know, those that post anonymous, arent even from Rama. I still think you shouldn't be afraid to say who you are.
    James Simcoe

  15. Half the people IN Rama aren't even from Rama. Non-Natives are the puppet masters, Chief and Council are the puppets and we all are the "captive" audience.

  16. Yes i agree that it may be an excuse for some but i have talked to enough members to no that,s how they feel and the fear of not having being fired is very real for some or for there family.

  17. Rama is being run kind of being run the same as Harper does. No one can talk to the press but him no one in his party speaks unless he ok it.NO Media at all for his party members. I,am sure that a lot of advice is coming from a former PC MPP. What we got is a MINI Harper running the show , i guess when you don t, no any other way can be expected .

  18. Mini Harper!?!! Hehe, Omg! But l think you got it right! Ive been thinking about what we have here since Sharon Stinson-Henry won leadership, since 2000, and l feel terrible that we (Rama) really dont have much to show for it besides the Casino. Its a shame actually. Outside of administration/ operation of the FN, no new jobs have been created. I think with the recent terminations, people were shocked! Most band members werent aware of Rama's financial picture. Now, l think more members will pay more attention.

    @ 1st anonymous post, you're not wrong. l agree with you, no class at all.

  19. Sounds like another holocast!
    ..gather all the people in the room, and people are chosen to be illiminated.
    then those left behind, cringe in their seats, not breathing, praying that they are not next.
    voices are silenced for fear of being 'chosen'
    sound familiar?

    Additionally, let's not forget that it's not just these council members that have put Rama in the hole...past council members are also responsible for creating this mess! Just because they bowed out early, doesn't make them innocent or exempt. They too are responsible. Even moreso, cause they chose to bow out instead of endeavoring to fix the problems created.

    Momma Bear
