Thursday, January 14, 2010


  1. so then is Chief and council meeting with the community to explain their ever increasing salaries and other perks?

  2. We shall see i hope they have a meeting about there wages and perks i would like to no w how they feel about it. i do here what they are saying. Like if the group was in council we would take the money, They forget they all rasied there hands when asked if they would take a pay cut 3 elections ago. There saying band members are telling them they dont like to se our busines in the paper.

  3. to keep our business out of the press then you should be as said you'd be. Open and accountably...easy!
    If poverty is such an issue on the reserve there are things to be done for that, too. Time for some brain storming sessions on how to lift your selves up and out of poverty. Maybe a good start would be job sharing, instead of the few jobs going to the same individuals, who are holding sometimes two or three paying positions. Just a thought.

  4. A good start would be job shadowing which they all have said at election time . .

  5. Who actually said that if the group were on council that they too would be taking the money?
    That statement tells me that EVEN they see what they are doing as criminal...Job shadowing for how long, and will they be hired after? I think job sharing could work too. How many have two or more paying positions over there?

  6. Criminal not but unfit as leaders for sure.

  7. We dont have much money in the bank . i think the members should have a say in how we use it. I dont care what they say about us . Thats why we need detailed council minutes I The group cares about the next generation what they are doing will afect our children and there children. Thats why i do what i do for them not for me or not for money. cheryle snache.

  8. Next time the chief and council raise their hand to pledge anything, I think you had better get in in writing. May be draft a contract and get them to sign. This way the community would have legal recourse.
    This whole thing will not go away with a new chief and council and the election. These ones have set a precedent and as you have no doubt seen corruption isn't easy to weed out.
