Saturday, January 9, 2010

From the Ten Year Community Visioning...

  • Leadership
People commented that they would like to see improved relations with other First Nations and for the community to be free from lawsuits. They also see Mnjikaning (Rama) as a role model for other First Nations with economic diversification and not reliant on the Casino funds. They would like to see employment for all, with Band members at the director and manager level within the Band administration. They also mentioned that management of the Casino was something they envision. An expanded land base was important.

  • Community Dynamics
The words used by community members to describe how they envision community dynamics included, healthy, balanced, respectful, togetherness, unity, harmony, wellness, happy, close knit and hard working. They see a community that emulates these qualities and carries with it a strong sense of pride and spirit.

  • General Growth
Members commented that they saw the First Nation evolving into a self - sufficient community with more off reserve members returning home. The community would also be larger due to an expanded land base.


  1. I recall the passion people spoke with when we did the community meetings in 1994 leading up to the writing of the report. I remember feeling proud of where we were heading as a unit, based on the strength of the individuals who spoke, we had a strong collective spirit during that time and before.Going back to 1984 when we began our community strategic planning, the vision of our future came from dialogue with members either at their homes(kitchen dialogue) or at a community forum faciltated largely by community members. The vision of where we wanted to go, what we wanted to become, have and do has to be implemented by the community members taking ownership, no one else can fix the challenges we face. The LERN document (LIVING EFFECTIVELY IN RAMA NOW 1985) was filled with hopes, dreams, and aspirations of our community. Included in part but not limited to were, employment availabilty, a community newsletter,street lights, a library,cemetary beautification,school,paved roads, better water,recreation center, seniors complex, and arena, etc. All of these things and more have come to pass. These were the goals of the community, and members of the community took ownership of various components and began to implement for their development. This was exciting, rewarding, and very satisfying, to see things being accomplished by the community. We have shown we have done it before, we can do it again. First off though we need to deal with our internal challenges/issues in a healthy respectful way. Then we can move on in a focused manner. I sense we are headed into a critical part of our history, our future.

  2. Thank you Ted for those comments. Would you like to elaborate on how this can be achieved? It would be great of you to share how we can 'deal with our internal challenges/issues in a healthy respectful way'. Let's get a dialogue going.

  3. Would you like to share the LERN document? It could be extremely beneficial for us to review it as a community.

  4. I don't have a copy, I reviewed it a while back as part of the litigation of casino revenues in preparation for my testimony. As a members of the core team I recall many of the details, like it was yesterday. A copy may be available at the library I would hope.
    Ted Williams

  5. Well, we looked for the LERN document in the library and they don't have it. Does anyone else know of this document and where it can be referenced?
