Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rama resident barred from all-candidates meeting | Local | News | Orillia Packet and Times

Rama resident barred from all-candidates meeting | Local | News | Orillia Packet and Times


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    1. Bad choice of words and you think you are better than Mr. Sandy ,I say He has more education in his little pinkey than you have in your whole body....take that too the bank.... who ever you are you are a joke too Rama if you are one of the members.............

    2. What has our community come the words that that blooger wrote , sure was even offending , too me.... what adult would use such lanuage no wonder the children of this community has no respect, if a adult talks like that too a Elder or about, boy things have changed over the years, some one needs to get back to our grandfather teaching on our reserve don't u think.....

    3. just to point out here that the blogger didn't post any words they merely posted the article that was already on the internet for all to see. these comments come from 'anonymous' sources. the option to post comments and replies under your real name is always available.

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    1. Adults acting like Children, who you think would know better...

    2. this is a election wonting change, why don't all start with respecting one another and teach our young ones respect, stop name calling , acting like children but as a grown up adult that can make good judgements and goals for Rama and our people....so all that is out there wonting to become the next Chief or Councillor please set a example too what you can be and will be by your speech, and actions...And as for as the Band Manager he only doing what he has been told too do by higher ups , wont change start with honesty.....Vote the GOOD IN OFFICE OK.....

  4. Who proclaimed Ernie to be an Elder? He certainly knows the language and speaks to the culture, but an Elder? Perhaps a traditional teacher at best. He is no Elder in Rama!

    1. Well according to the law of nature he's a ELDER never mind where he comes from,,,,most white people respect their elders.....and here I thought that a Rama Native have more up bringing that a white folk.....Guess what traditional teacher or not people are people....so where you get your education....I sure hope your are not part of the C@C as of now and if you are running for a office I like some one spill the beans for I have enough family keep u out....Respect is where its at...Honesty....what have you got to offer...nothing if you have no RESPECT FIRST FOR YOUR SELF AND THEN OTHERS you are a lost cause in the book of knowing ,where you are at I hope when you are old that there be no RESPECT for you.............

  5. I don't' find any thing funny about the article and i have never deleted any comments but i have today because of the swearing. cheryle snache

    1. Thanks Cheryle u are going to make a great leader for our community...good luck....keep doing what you have been doing great job.....you are so right about those comments, there nothing funny about speaking down to our elders or anyone else, just needs RESPECT one another......bless you....

    2. Anonymous: You say there just needs to be RESPECT for one another. I agree. But...haven't seen much RESPECT for current C&C during this election campaign from many people who comment. Some Rama people would be wise to practice what they preach.

  6. Chief and Council are just getting back what they give to the members do they treat the members with respect no they dont give us the time of day, what does around comes around.

  7. Wow, l guess l missed some comments...but wanted to weigh in on this article...I thought it was a good story, a true story. Ernie has been around Rama for as long as l can remember, about 40 years. He is an upstanding citizen, and at least someone is hearing and acknowledging those who are dissatisfied with how things are currently, cuz, lets face it, the current leadership doesnt want to hear from us. I will also say of all the poeple who hope to transfer here, he at least is committed to Rama, as his community. The way it has been here, in my understanding, is that C&C pick and choose (control) who can transfer here, rather than let the community decide, and that is wrong. Persons who are offended by the article must have feelings of shame or guilt or something that gets their back up. I am proud of Rama, warts and all, and with hard work, we can get back to the kind, respectful and progressive community that we are known for.
