Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sacred Plants

 When you are walking in the bush you think of many things.  The smells bring back different memories. Of Rama as a child and the grandparents now gone. When  iam at Chief island a total clam comes over me i go there to be near the plants. I walk around Rama now and i wonder who will teach the next generation of how we used our sacred plants for medicine.  I have had the opportunity to have tea with some of our Elders and the have shared with me how we used the plants long ago.  More and More  there habitat is being destroyed and this must stop because  as an Elder once told me if we do not use them they will leave and they are leaving.  I no people are upset with the parking lot that will be in the center of  our community, that means more pavment and less trees, and likely more lights . The people who make these decis
ons dont live here so its not going to impacted them. I know its part of the new 2011 deal but as far as iam concerned there should have been a vote on the new deal  commiunity imput. This is after all  are home.


  1. I remember there used to be sweet grass growing in the ditch just below the hill, at public works driveway, on Benson Rd. And my mom once recalled a time when she and Shirley Shilling went picking sweetgrass behing Shelley Snache's house, off the old railway line. And many years ago, when l was very young, there used to be spearmint growing along whats now the Casino Admin exit, beside Dora Benson's old property. Im almost certain that none of these exist today. It is sad to be lied to by your own leadership. None of the Council even speak up. There should have been a vote, like the Chief said there would be. Oh, but that was a lie. In fact she lied about it twice! Im glad this is an election year, hopefully people will have had enough of this dictatorship ... They paved paradise and put up a parking lot :(

  2. u can vote in new people...but will that change the newer policies? the mental programming that has embedded itself into the whole system?

    Change is about people AND the system itself...both need recalibrating.

    how will you insure that you wont get more of the same in the next election?

    what should new candidates be focusing on to get your vote?

  3. Look ya got to clean house, Starting from the top Most of the polices we dont need things can change the people have the power. its in there hands. We need to focus on the members needs and our community needs such as jobs and there input nothing should happen unless our members are fully informed Our people have given up as no one listens to them and we have a lot of people with good ideas. We must get back are community sprite.There is no balance here or a transparent government. We need to control our own destinies. We don t have a real long term economic and social plan. And we must restore are relationships with other First Nation. Our priorities should be affortable housing, education economic development, our land ,children ,elders, and a healthy community.Our children need to no our traditions and language then they will take pride in there community.

    1. All of what you say is so right The children are our Future. Who are you LOL. I mean what is your real name ?

  4. I know my grandmother Carrie Sawyer would pick wild ginger and wikan and send it to her boys and husband in the wars, for flue and colds and they would share with others. cheryle snache
