Sunday, January 29, 2012


I remember being at a meeting after the casino got here and they said all the land had been bought up a long the Rama Road..   That there would be businesses.  They must be invisible. At yesterdays meeting Sharon Henry said that there would not be a new  Heath  center  of  Excellence. Yet another failed venture money for the consultants tho.


  1. the "land bought up along Rama Rd" was access for a Casino at the Lakefront wasn't it?

  2. What does the land along the Rama Road have to do with a lakefront casino just asking.

  3. wasn't there suppose to be a casino on the lakefront originally? I thought that's why some properties were provide access? Then the casino stayed put...didn't get built at lake. I thought the present casino was a temporary thing at one point?????

  4. whatever happened with SEM RESORTS Limited Partnership? that's what i want to know about wasn't dan sitting on the board of directors. where is that investment?

  5. Who gives a frigin shit a bout rama rd you anonym=asses it belongs to the casino frigin sharon will sell them anything. give me my coldwater treaty money keep my deposting my checks cause theres nothin here unless your a fukin cop or fireman or mexicen cutting grass all summer. a casino here and still no good jobs. life suxs here man. cant go back to school and it is to expesives to live here now. guess thats the way it is.

    1. If Life suxs here then get the hell out of here. You layzee punks just want everything handed to you.

  6. Angry Anonymous, you have to work, the world don't owe you a dam thing. Want, want, want and take take take, just don't cut it anymore. Hand outs are a thing of the past.

  7. What reservation are you on???? Last time I was at the Coldwater meeting everyone was talking about getting 100% payout for current band members. Nothing for future Generations. That land is worth more than 200 or 300 million. Everyone has got their hand out! Chief and Council are first in line and they will take any offer from Canada.

  8. Chief and Council are working very hard to make sure this deal is fair and equitable FOR ALL MEMBERS AND FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS. If we dont take this deal it will be gone. Something is better than nothing or dont you get that. The land was assessed by the government and we can buy it back at a lower value. That sounds great to me I dont want to live in the city all my life.

  9. Your better off in the city then here as for the coldwater deal they will take what the get as they have spent all the money most on wages yes the members should get 100% C$C had there chance to do good for the people and create jobs for all . Look you take away Casino and you got nothing. And our chief and council are indian act. indians they fight for nothing.
