Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Coldwater Narrows Claim

When the claim first started it was all about compensation for Chief  Yellowheads people for the lose of land and lively hood, Now is all about  buying land and economic development. Rama has enough land that can be change over to Band land with the purchases the band has made over the last 12 years ,and without us knowing. Now they want ten million back  for that land out of our treaty money i don't think so. Our children all ready have a trust so i feel it should go to the people here and now.At 100% pay out what are we looking at 30 or 40 .000 that's not much today. Iam sure most of us would pay our bills, maybe start a business,  get the things we need.. I no most of us want a 100% pay out BUT i feel Chief and Council will work with the government and it will not happen.As they have become the Modern Day Indian Agents


  1. Chief and Council will say they did a "community consultation" and declare that the "people have spoken" on the issue, in other words, the people filled out their "questionaires" and agreed to the coming financial arrangement (505 disbursement etc).

    BUT WHO wrote those questionaires? Seems to me that "options" were fixed...decisions were already made!

    I know I for one, did not have any say on the "options" presented on the "questionaire." We were TOLD...that any higher disbursements would be "unfeasible." Who decided that?

    What C & C has done is dishonest and underhanded. It's patriarchal and the equivalent of PICKING YOUR POCKET.

    Ask yourself this:

    How many people would flat out agree (or be able to afford) giving away $15 000 or so? How many people actually agreed to forfeit 1/2 of their money?

    I know I didn't. The vote was a farce. A fixed survey.

    The end result?

    I don't trust Chief and Council. I disagree with the decision making process.

    It has become a dictatorial government. People are afraid to speak out BECAUSE they don't trust their own leaders. They are afraid they will be punished in some way for opposing the so called leaders.

    Congratulations C & are a prime example of ASSIMILATED INDIANS pretending to be democratic. Tell yourselves whatever legal bedtime stories that soothe your conscience...but remember this:

    Your ancestors are rolling over in their graves.
    And what you are doing is corrupt.

    And we all know it.

    1. Right on, imagine the shit they would be in if we all "Banded" together and hired our own attorney to investigate.

  2. When in the hell is the "shit finally gonna hit the fan". There couldn't be much more carpet left to sweep all their shit under.

  3. What's happening "out there" in the world is happening in Rama. When governments start turning on the people to "pay debts the leaders incurred" the people will start having their money taken, and rights taken, their speech suppressed etc. all in the name of AUSTERITY MEASURES.

  4. Can't wait to hear their campaign "lies", being that this year is an election year.

  5. The question is...what will the people do about it?

  6. Well in the last election one of the Councilors got more votes than the Chief. If he runs for Chief this time around I think he will get in. I hope he does because I think he would end this dictatorship agenda that the current leadership rules by.

  7. Being head Councilor he could have done that all ready. but if you dont fight for your people and stand up then you sure should,nt be a Chief.

  8. Im waiting to get my Coldwater package and then we'll see what we are actually expected to vote on. The Chief did say that members would get the packages by the end of January 2012, so we'll see if that turns out to be true. @anonymous (1st post), you have described Rama governance quite well, including how leadership has shared Coldwater with the people. I live in Rama and when others tell stories of pictures falling off walls, unexplained noises, doors opening, and shadows moving, l cant help but think these are signs from our ancestors, they're not happy with the way things are going. Leadership seems to have forgotten they are Anishnaabe. As for Councillors standing up for the people, havent seen that happen in years. If they did stand up (without being told to), we would be voting on the matter of parking lots on Benson Rd for Casino Rama use (C&C's idea of economic development l guess)...its going to happen and, like Coldwater, and other matters, there is no consultation, no discussion, no nothing...they paved paradise and put up a parking lot...

    1. Hi Tracey,

      I was wondering if you had received more information on the setllement package. Do we know how much is going to each tribe, how much is actually being handed out as opposed to going into trusts?

      I havent been able to find anything, if you, or anyone!, could send me some of that info Id really appreciate it!

  9. @ Tracey..interesting observations of spirits "not happy with the way things are going."

    Where are things going? and how did things get this way?

    I would guess that inviting the casino in, along with all the lawyers and bureaucrats actually BRAINWASHED the C & C into thinking like bureaucrats themselves, ie less emphasis on connectedness and relationships....more emphasis on CONTROL and manipulation of language through policy, which just drives wedges between people and undermines good will.

    I do believe c & c mean well, but they have entered the other world at the expense of community well being relationally and spiritually.

    There is more to all of this than money..and they have forgot that.


    2 for business and external dealings and one for internal well being and caring for the people.

    Why? YOU CAN'T SERVE TWO MASTERS. So let them focus on the external dealings, while others work on REAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.

  10. Yes people have to Band together in order for a change, will that happen no look how many of the council members said it should be up to the people what happens with the treaty money in the last election. and the election before that. And they still get in.

  11. Why dont people stand up and get together, in Rama Whats that all about?

  12. Well they might want a job one day,or funding for some thing, a house.They like it the way it is, Some have jobs and do nothing half the time why would you want to change that. What a way to live A ???? And say nothing.

  13. change the people in power AND change the system. u have to do both.

  14. This "Leader$hip" does everything it can to withhold as much money as possible from our Band Members, yet doesn't think twice about buying up random real estate, investing in bad business ventures, and enjoying their monumental salaries and monetary perks, not to mention the outrageous salaries of Non-Natives employed within Rama. They tell untruths, don't listen to what Band Members are saying to them, run by their own agenda, and act as though they are above everybody. They don't offer job shadowing, don't offer any type of job training and I think if they could get away with it our educational funding would be even tighter than it already is. They are slapping us in the face, blatantly telling us they don't give a shit about us. It is long past due to get some new faces into the Leadership role. Ones who ears really work and not just sit there on their heads, ones who want to push our people to better and empower themselves. Ones who will lead in the right direction with us, not from up on top of a high horse telling us this is the way it is. Every single one of us RAMA FIRST NATION peoples are important and have a voice and it's about time our whispers turned into yells for the sake of us and our future generations.

  15. @ Anonymous Jan 20, 2012 06:07 AM

    well said!

  16. Q: what's (505 disbursement etc)?

    Just my opinion; on the 10 million reinbursement for purchase of land bought; there should be a disclosure of all lands purchased that they wish to have reinbursed, and..ensure that $ that are renbursed are NOT for lands that are already crown land. As you know, C & C have been purchasing properties/homes on Rama Road for the purpose of 'whatever'...the reinbursement should at the very least be for 'new' land, if at all....just say'n.

    There has been NO economic development in Rama since Casino that has lasted!
    Where is the job shadowing promised!
    There is NO employment opportunities to speak of, in fact, jobs are diminishing left, right and center, not to mention...why are Councillor's getting paid a 'severance pkg'?? let alone a hefty salary with perks??
    C & C roles are elected, NOT hired, and it is a for a 'term' , much like a 'contract'. Where else in Canada does a 'contract' get severance when they leave?
    This is where all the $$ is going while community members still struggle on welfare and assisted by the local food bank.

    No, we're not 'Attiwapiskat', but there is still the same poverty and neglect in this community created by the hiarchy of this local government.

    ...and NO, non-attendance at communty meetings, doesn't mean we're satisfied, it means, WE ARE TIRED OF HEARING MORE ABOUT NOTHING!
