Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Land claim in people's hands - The Orillia Packet & Times - Ontario, CA

Land claim in people's hands - The Orillia Packet & Times - Ontario, CA


  1. Good article Ernie!
    A timely and important urgent message it is : )

  2. Yes i agree good article, People want an equal share of the money, and thats the way it should be. the goverment or C&C should not tell us what we are going to do with our treaty money as it belongs to the band members, Chief Yellowheads people and it his his legacy. We dont need to buy more land as we have land that has sat here doing nothing for years that could have been used if the process had been started years ago to turn it into band land.

  3. Why is our current Chief prancing around and trying to take the credit for this treaty settlement? Publications state over and over the meetings our Chief has attended and the amount of hard work she has done. Is it not a given that the Chief should attend meetings? After all, it is the least she can do since she is getting paid enough. It is in very bad taste for her to use this serious matter as a campaign opportunity. The real heros are Chief Yellowhead and our people who had to move from our original territory.

  4. More like self senterd, i guess there was no members at council at any meetings over the past years, just sharon henery,and no one before her this place is so sicken.

  5. The point is that politicians will rob you blind if you let them.

    And Ernie is encouraging people to assume control of their own destinies, rather than trusting wealthy elected officials to do what's best for individuals and families.

    Rama's leadership is far too brainwashed by lawyers and bureaucracy (assimilated) to ever allow this money to be spent in ways that are accessible and beneficial to the people themselves.

    They will drum up more rules and policies that will just divide the community, and keep the poor right where they are. Powerless.

    Step up people.
