Thursday, April 28, 2011

We need Leaders.

We cant live in fear of speaking out, by some of the comments people don't trust the C&C it should,nt be that way We need leaders to preserve our culture , our language, and  land. , at meetings they  were open and  free to speak. not just th e chief  .   There should be no secrets from the members . And when they go some where there should be a report as to why they have traveled on our behalf. This is our home and we  the right to have a say in all matters the effect  us our land and our children. And our money  .   If we lose our language our traditions . Then what? We need leaders the speak for us , that fight for us and that work for the members. We don't need politicians. We need a few more people on council . with less pay . People who run for the people not the money. Who really care. Our children need to know there history , and where they came   from   how we got here   . They don't no. Every one has  to be treated equal there is no balance here any more.


  1. People have to stop voteing for there family members who run. just cause there family is no reason to for them in . And the people who live off rez have to find out whats going on , just dont take there word for it . Or the ojibway times.

  2. You mean the censored ojibway times.

  3. So many people live in fear to say whats onthere mind, thats realy not good. This is what the Chief and Council has done to the with there policys,.
