Saturday, November 13, 2010


Community Finance Meeting Thurs, Nov.25, 2010  6:00

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely appalled by that meeting last night! Blatant outrageous amounts of money going in the wrong direction!!! C$C do not feel they should take a pay cut yet they cut the community's $150.00 dollars in December, which I know alot of people rely on for groceries. Typical ignorant behavior characteristic of C$C. Do any of them have a problem buying groceries....I would say probably not considering they all make 20,000 dollars in bonuses alone for the month of December. As for our financial officer making $200,000 a year, tell me he isn't laughing all the way to the bank.
    How in the hell are we expected to support all this excessive spending on C$C's part, when we have generations to worry about! For Heaven's Sake, if the casino money belt has to be tightened, then tighten it from the inside, that is where all the fat is, on the outside we the community members are thin enough. Truly, truly our home Rama First Nation has turned into Casino Rama First Comes Chief and Council Nation, we're all just along for the bumpy ass ride thats going to hit a wall eventually, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.......sad!!
