Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thoughts to Ponder...Please leave your comments...

During times of uncertainty and communication break downs, do you go with the flow and 'not rock the boat', accepting things as they are "because that's how it's always been" or do you question authority, engage in meaningful conversation and maybe even ruffle a few feathers?
There are times when government and policies do not seem to affect you. You go to work. Your kids go to school. You pay your bills. You pay your dues. And the outside world does not seem to have much impact inside the four walls of your dwelling.
Fair enough. But it's important to know, that even though the path of least resistance seems appropriate for you and your family, acceptance can and might eventually lead to the loss of everything we enjoy right now as we know it.
It's most important to consider the facts. The decisions we make, or the decisions we allow others to make for us are likey to have an impact for generations to come. The community is no longer the community that you or I grew up in. We need to take responsibility for the future of our community and step up in ways that maybe we've never thought of before. 
There are genuine reasons why we feel it's important not to rock the proverbial boat. We certainly don't wish to risk our jobs for fear of speaking out against what we know in our hearts to be wrong. It is easier to accept the situation as it is than to try and change it. We don't wish to alienate ourselves from our 'tribe'. Being ostrasized is almost as terrible a thought as losing our jobs. But questioning leadership and demanding answers is the only way to force the accountability promised to us. If we don't, than the spiral continues, the imbalance of power and lack of community consultation continues.  It's up to each of us, individually, but more importantly together, in groups and numbers, to get leadership to pay attention to our concerns. Because believe me, if we don't, it allows them to pretend amongst themselves that they are doing a great job and that they don't need to break out of their comfort zones to demonstrate real leadership capacity. Some of them are so used to making over a hundred thousand dollars a year, plus gas allowance, clothing allowance, six thousand dollar bonuses and sick and vacation payout that they no longer take the job serious enough to even get out of their trucks. They continue to ride the gravy train every day at our expense because we're yet to force them to justify earning such ludicrous amounts of money at our expense.
The main thing we need to understand is that they work for us, not the other way around. We put them into those top paying positions. Once we come to this understanding as a community and a membership then we can dictate to them how they do their jobs, and how much they make doing them. We can tell them what OUR values are and how we wish to see our community governed.We can decide what economic development opportunities we choose to invest and participate in. And we can be kept in the loop because WE are the decision makers. Chief and Council is there to respresent OUR wants, our NEEDS and our DECISIONS. Keeping in mind, until now, we've had to LIVE with the decisions that they've made without asking us for our input or informing us of their dealings. No business transactions should be taking place without the community's knowledge and concensus and yet were always the last to know, suggesting that's it's really none of our business what they negotiate. But it is our business, we are all stakeholders in this Community. The future of our leadership, education, housing, status rights, and the health and safety of our community as we know it depends upon us exercising our stakeholder rights and responsibilities. I guess what it boils down to is that we are ultimately responsible to each other. Now how's that for a community concept? Ahow.

1 comment:

  1. divide and conquer tactics continue first by ottawa then by your own chief and council. those of you on the "inside" are wary of being knocked down by speaking out or say running in a electoral race only to lose and be made an example of by the powers that be.
    get your petitions ready and by majority rule get the answers you are seeking. these are your civil servants after all and as such should be answering to you the community who have elected them.
