Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cut Backs

Where do you think we can cut back and save money? And where do you think we should be spending more money? I think we need more councillors , i would like to see one for every hundred people.


  1. I think the "problem" is that MONEY itself has become the TOP PRIORITY and governing factor that guides the minds of the leaders and world for that matter. It pushes other important values such as RELATIONSHIP BUILDING, HEALING and SPIRITUALITY to the side. I believe money should serve and uphold higher principles..not the other way around (compromising higher principles to serve money). More councilors will mean more of the same. We need to examine the beliefs and mindsets that are running the Rama show...and adjust trajectories to get to a better place. Ask the people where they want to go..and figure out what needs to happen. Expand the converstaion beyond money only...scarcity consciouysness just increases political infighting, competition for resources and bureaucratic dances that stop the poor from improving their lives. Thank you for allowing me to respond. Great blog!

  2. More councilors would be good just to get rid of this stale way of thinking,monry should be put into JOBS and not wages .

  3. More money has to go into addictions, Theres alot of drugs and pills, drinking going on here of all ages, And nothing being done. we need to deal with this before we can heal and build relationships.

  4. I think we should invest into a furniture factory located in Rama. Same idea as Menonite made furniture but ours would be Rama First Nation made furniture. The business would employ youth and adults interested in carpentry and I think particularly regarding the youth, they would feel pride and accomplishment with earning a wage and building things everyone needs.
    At least it is an idea, it's too bad Chief and Council can't even come up with an idea for the sole purpose of strengthening only us Band Members for a change.

  5. I would like to see at least a few more councilors and ajust maybe we can have people that have ideas for the Band members, Lets face it we got to change up the Chief and coucil we have now or its going to be the same old same old.

  6. Leaders is what we need not people who dont have the guts to take a stand on anything. Take a cut in pay and want to do the job for the people not the money thats all its become now if your in it for the money only then we will ever get any where I,II be glad when its all gone thats where we are headed , The people have said what they want count less times any body out there ??

  7. Has everyone received that trust settlement options letter from chief and council? It has to be in by November 2nd and I have some people saying don't send it in and some people saying send it in. I don't know what to do.

  8. Send it back with a message to stick it up there greedy asss.

  9. I dont think we should have to pay back the casino money that was spent on purchased land over the past 12 years, out of our treaty money.It should be no less then a 100% distribution . There was no mention of paying back 10 million in the surveys , I also would like the band members to see the surveys and to make up are own agreement. If they had been smart they would have purchased the feild next to the casino on the right when it was a good price. As far as development goes there isnt any nor has there been in awhile so why hand over more cash for more of the same , We had no say on the land the purchased we found out after the fact.just like we found out about the casino in BC after the fact and with are money.If we have to pay the bandback then so should the lawyer that also made money off each land sale . This is are money and so is this treaty and we should have the say . Not the goverment or chief and council. Cheryle Snache

  10. I agree with Cheryl re: "I dont think we should have to pay back the casino money that was spent on purchased land over the past 12 years"

    Yes, c & c paid out whopping sums to band members, some received hundreds of thousands of dollars...and now they want to take it out of YOUR pocket now to compensate for their reckless spending.

    Secondly, you can bet your ass money has been set aside for the parasitic lawyers to "negotiate" (read: serve themselves)for lands allocations etc.

    Please start a blog discussion on this issue, AND a petition might be worth putting together if people disagree with the "options" that were mailed to us.

    Here's a question: DO YOU BELIEVE the results of community consultation are the truth? Or are the options presented HIGHLY INFLUENCED or MANIPULATED by C & C to reflect THEIR agendas?


  12. Ok, so 100% of the treaty money cannot be distributed mainly because of a Canadian Government stipulation(which in itself is a whole different discrepancy-don't right a wrong and at the same time dictate how the compensation is to be used), but Chief and Council should be surveying for everyone's formula ideas and come up with some options that way. The treaty money does not belong to Chief and Council to dictate to everyone their formula options(although they say they didn't come up with the options and percentages but someone else on the inside said they did...hmm ok what to believe).
    The most frustrating aspects to all of this is the fact they are caught in so many lies and they just don't want to listen to anyone as if we're all just a bunch of mindless dummies. Well guess what we're not, we all know what you're up to, there's just nothing we can do about it. Chief and Council have made it quite clear that they are on their own team and everyone else are just non-playing bystanders.
    People are frustrated, angry and just plain fed up with not being listened to, do you not get that C$C?
    Obviously not everyone is going to agree with everything Chief and Council says or does but when the majority of Band Members are pissed off, that is a major red flag!!
    C$C wanna go off and spend millions of dollars without Band Members's vote or even knowledge of but when the business ventures fail or the bill comes in Band Members are to be held accountable.
    The Canadian Government screwed us and Chief and Council are raping us, all while telling everyone we all want it and need it.
    I may not be able to do a damn thing about this situation, but I will tell you one thing I do have control of and that is my election vote, and not one of them will be getting mine in the next election. Do everyone a favor and don't bother campaigning because that involves us listening to you, something you have obviously shown everyone you feel you don't have to do with us.

  13. Cut Backs thats easy C$C can start with there wages, the $600.00 they get for gas a month. Juat what the hell is every body doing there needs to be some lay offs , theres nothing going on here. Also the lawyer band manager and other managers are making way to much. That goes for the finance manager too . people say they have nothing to do but still get paid. Tis has gone on far to long.

  14. Well...........many of you can certainly "talk the talk" but if the shoe were on your feet....could you "walk the walk"? Easy to sit and opinionate when you aren't the sitting duck.
