Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Take A Stand

Its time for the people of this First Nation to take a stand and speak out. Its time that the Chief and Council start to listen to the band members. For to long we have been left out  and have not had any in put as to out future, and the future of our children. Why are people afraid to speak out , i here to often that we cant we will loose are jobs, i here to often that they have just given up, and that's sad. It is time for the gag orders to go . You go to a meeting and the council say nothing time to be leaders .Its time for every one to be treated the same, Chief and council are not above us ,there needs to be a balance here. The money that the Band has is the money of all Band members and we should have a say in how it is spent not after the fact.We should have a say in what we want but you must speak out .Look at the big picture and think of your children what do you want for them if we don't what kind of life will they have here?


  1. I agree the time is now for Rama to take a stand. The only thing our leaders lead is the line up to our community funds. I see other First Nations taking a stand against their Chief and Councils and getting some positive results by doing so.

  2. I heard through the grapevine that Chief and Council are going to begin to allow younger people and small families apartments at the Seniors'; above Seniors who need emergency housing. If this is true why in the hell was it called Senior Housing. Is this the next thing they are going to mess up, Holy God!!!! I am stunned by this. Has anyone else heard this too?

  3. I would have more luck asking a wall.....thanks anyway though.
