Saturday, January 22, 2011

A message From A Concerned Elder

  1. Enendamaan _ What I Think.
I remember the good old days when we did,nt have to lock our doors, visited regularly with friends and neighbours. we knew everyone in the community. Not so today. Now you see alot of strangers in every department of workplaces. At school concerts, maybe you,ll recognize 10% of the pupils and parents. Newcomers should be introduced to the community as soon as they get here including the Police and Fire fighters and Paramedics. Its too bad we dont,t train our job less people. When they are training on other reserves. We should get back to the Union of Ont. Indains that way we can do much more for our people.Our reserve is not fairly run by the people elected. To much dollars  are spent for there comfort and pleasure. One last thought a time clock should be installed in each work place so people who come in late can be docked.             A Concerned Elder


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