Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I think about all the money that we have had here in Rama since the casino. And what we now have, what we could have done with it. What we should have done.  I no  there is more jobs but we have more of our people on part time or on call then ever. There is no job shadowing for our members. And we are spending 27 million on wages a year. With a buget of 48 million a year, the new deal is 30 miilion a year which we had no say in. And we will now be just the landlords. We have 60 milion in the bank how long is that going to last.  We had 172 million ten years ago and what did we do with it ? At the finance meeting we see that our business are not making any money  .All the the band has belongs to all of us we need to have a say in how it is being spent.  cheryle


  1. Maybe saleries are much too high for the chief and council. The Mayor of Toronto makes a salary of 163,040.00 a year( Jan.2009)prime minister salary for the year (2008)301,600.00 (numbers from wikipedia)...
    Perhaps the people should ask for a forensic accounting? Find out where exactly the money is going and have some real accountability from chief and council for a change.

  2. Who watches the watcher?? Most large businesses audit the finance dude too.
    Why don't we????

  3. are you telling me that your cfo/accountant is the one responsible for the audited report?

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